We assure the large-scale distribution with high quality local vegetables, with a short supply chain and zero km
By purchasing at Km zero we support local producers and encourage consumers to be more attentive and aware.
The culture of seasonality and the quality of our fruit and vegetables
Local products offer the best guarantees about their genuineness and safety: the product is consumed shortly after harvesting and therefore guarantees the maintenance of the organoleptic characteristics and nutritional principles.
The culture of seasonality is establishing itself, and through our major customers, which are supermarkets, we help to promote the seasonality of vegetables: the final customer is now accustomed to finding any fruit or vegetable at any time of the year but this means that a product to be available at a specific moment often comes from the other side of the world.
We enhance horticultural products with branded islands
We want the Albenga product to have the right rewarding because our fruit and vegetable products have that added value that the consumer requires today.