We export Genoese DOP Basil and fresh cut herbs of Albenga Plain throughout Europe
Bouquet of Genoese DOP basil
We export scented DOP Genoese basil which is known, appreciated and sought after around the world!
Fresh cut herbs in loose boxes or packaged trays
Rosemary, sage and all the herbs of Albenga plain are requested and appreciated in Italy and throughout Europe
L'Ortofrutticola Società agricola cooperativa | Reg. Massaretti, 30/1 - 17031 Albenga | P.IVA/C.F. 00110420098 |
Iscrizione Albo Nazionale delle Società Cooperative n. A144066, sezione Cooperative a mutualità prevalente |
C.C.I.A.A. SV REA 17557 | Albo Export SV001100 - Capitale sociale al 30/06/2023: 298.987,00€